condition and disease

High Blood Pressure

There are various people around the globe who are facing the problem of a dreadful disease called high blood pressure. Almost everyone has heard this name but few of us know the basic fact for the occurrence. The basic reason of high blood pressure is the level of cholesterol. If the level of cholesterol is high then you will face this problem. These cholesterol blocks the way of the proper blood flow within the body due to which the pressure of blood increases. The second main reason is the high level of stress. It is the stress which gives a great harm to the body. We usually face the issue of stress due to mismanagement of our work. If we organize the way we work then it will give us mental satisfaction and we can stay away from stress. The high level of stress gives you the high level of blood pressure and later on the consequences would be the heart attack. There are so many people in the world who are living with this outrageous disease of high blood pressure and they are not even aware about it.
The treatment is required within the time period else it can be life threatening. Genetic reason is also one of the primary reasons for this disease. The way we live our life also plays a significant role for high blood pressure. An unhealthy life style gives this disease. It is important to live a disciplined life so that we can stay away from this horrible disease.

Child Depression

You may come across situations in your life when your child gives up food, becomes reclusive, angry, obsessed, or simply quiet. Losing that smile on your child’s face is the most painful thing for a parent, which is why it is very important for us to understand how to overcome the problem. Depression in children is far more complex than in adults. The doctors need to go over the entire situation with a bird’s eye view of everything around the child. As parents, one should be educated about such troubles in children to be better equipped if the situation is similar at their own place.
Bullying, negligent parenting, stressed out parents etc are the most widely known reasons for a child to be depressed. Parents usually spend too much time worrying about physical health but ignore the emotional health of their child. It is important to have a very sound communication system intact between yourself and your child so that you may have some idea as to what is causing the stress.
Teen depression is a raging topic with all the parents all over the world. An age where you’re neither young nor old could be very stressful on its own, especially when your emotional and physical being is undergoing changes. This metamorphosis is a very delicate time for both the parents and the child. Negativity may easily enter the child’s system and continue to flourish if not treated in time. For teen depression, usually cognitive therapy is used where the doctor focuses on blocking away negative thoughts in patients, develop positive social skills, and assist in adopting relaxing techniques, meditation etc.
While getting an expert to deal with your child’s depression is definitely easier and an assured way of treating your problem, it may not be all that effective on its own. It is important to develop what we may call a family therapy.
Look around yourself. Assess your situation and your relationship.  Have you been too harsh or overly critical? Do you stay stressed out? Where do your everyday discussions usually head to? How much time do you spend together shopping, talking, etc? Answering these questions every once in a while may keep you right on track with your child.

Heat Illness

Beating the heat is very important in leading a healthy life. This is because many of the illnesses are derived from heat itself. These illnesses are usually not paid enough or sometimes no attention but in fact can cause severe problems in your body and even lead to other consequences. So you must keep in mind all the following points.
Heat stroke is a very serious symptom of heat illness. It is necessary to get medical attention during a stroke but the victim’s health is also affected a lot by the after affects. The bad part about heat strokes is that they come usually with no sign of heat exhaustion at all. But there are some symptoms you can look for. These contain dizziness, faster heart rate, loss of consciousness, high body temperatures even till 104 to 106 and also the shortness of breath.
If you are facing or any one else is facing these problems it is strongly advised that you go see a doctor to get your physical state checked. Heat also causes cramps in your body. These can be figured out by severely painful and immobilizing cramps that occur in the hands, feet and calves. Heat often causes heat exhaustion being a illness itself. This exhaustion ultimately leads to anxiety, fatigue, headache, nausea and muscle aches. Other signs of heat exhaustion include weakness and confusion especially when one usually faints from weakness.
Avoiding heat illness is also a very important job. This can be fought with proper hydration with fluids basically. It is a good habit to keep ice in your bottles for cool water intake. If you feel any of the symptoms then you should go to a well ventilated or air conditioned area as it will help a lot. An important task in this is to always get an abundance of fluids and salts. Act on these and never let your heart down from going out in the open.

Tackling Influenza

Influenza is commonly known as flu or viral flu. It is a contagious viral disease which is caused by RNA virus that is mostly found in birds. Influenza disease is the infection of respiratory tract and it mostly crops up in cold days. The symptoms of this disease are muscle pain, fever, headache, weakness and shiver. The disease is contagious and it spreads through medium of air, water, physical touch etc.
Coughing, sneezing is the most common transportation medium of influenza virus. The infection also spreads by the contact of body fluids or by touching contaminated vessels or clothes. So in order to avoid this infection it is recommended to avoid contact with the infected person.
As precautionary steps you should stay away from those people who are coughing or sneezing. Long exposure to moist or cold weather decreases your immune power and thus chances of getting infection gets higher. The person infected from this disease should be kept away from general public and should be given proper treatment and complete rest.
Paracetamol is considered as preliminary medication again this virus. This medicine is helpful in reducing fever. But after consultation with doctor you should get Relenza, it is specially used for the treatment of Influenza A and Influenza B. The Relenza prescription can also be bought from online Relenza stores, but it is advised that you buy it after consultation with your family doctor.

Tackling Asthma

Asthma is a very common disease found in most adults and children. It is an inflammatory of the bronchial airways. This will lead to mucosal swelling and muscle contraction. The changes or the foreign particles which escape the nose filters may produce obstruction, chest tightness, cold, cough, sneezing. This causes shortness of breath and low oxygen supply to blood. The severity will differ according to the individual.
Most of the Asthma cases are subjected to allergies. Cat allergy is a major concern. And researchers say that more than half the cases are not due to allergies and the cause is yet to be found. Exposure to smoking increases the chances for an Asthma attack. Fetus may have asthma attack if the mother smokes during the pregnancy. The outdoor pollutants are known to trigger asthma attacks. Children who cough after running or crying is a obvious symptom of Asthma. Also giving a whistle like sound when a child exhales is a sign of asthma. Infants giving grunt noise while suckling.
Asthma attacks are often triggered by the viruses. Hence there is no power in giving an antibiotic. Every year, they should be vaccinated for flu. Else they have easy chances of getting flu when compared with others. When a person is affected with allergy, histamine is released which causes the swelling of lining of the airway, muscle contraction. Some of the common allergens are dust, feathers, pets and insects. But in most cases, food products are a subtle cause for asthma. It is incorrect to think that people with asthma will have psychological effects.
Asthma is an inflammatory condition of the airways caused by allergens, irritants, infections. It is controllable in almost all the cases.

Children are more vulnerable for asthma attacks and it is important to keep them away from such irritants, infectious substances.
Always remember that Asthma is a controllable disease but if you think that there is something which is not normal then you should immediately consult your doctor or any online clinic which provides consultation of such disease.

Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders can be defined as unhealthy diet practice and overeating. Physical anomaly is the main reason behind eating disorders. It happens when nutrients are not absorbed sufficiently which results in malnutrition. Weight gain is one of the many problems that occur due to eating disorder.
Before discussing more about eating disorders I would like to discuss the causes of eating disorders. People believe that eating disorder is the reason of food obsession but it is only a myth, the real cause is deeper psychological problem. Such disorders are also seen in people suffering with mental and physical disorders. In such cases consulting psychiatrist can help a lot in preventing the eating disorder. It is advisable to seek opinion of professionals to know the exact causes of such disorders.
The psychological causes are many; it can be trauma, low self esteem, sexual trauma, relationship in family, perfectionism etc. Some eating disorders are Anorexia, Bulimia, and Overeating.
People who suffer from eating disorder should go for treatment in Eating Disorders Treatment Center. After close examination of the patient they provide various Eating Disorders Treatment Programs for the treatment. At first they carry out short term control strategies such as dieting, over-exercising, fasting etc. and then they provide special Eating Disorder Treatment Programs in which they monitor the patient minutely and observe their activities.
Eating disorder sometimes develop from childhood when a child gets tendency of eating fast food and that too at regular intervals. Eating disorders are dangerous and it can lead to poor health and disease prone. People get obese which ultimately leads to heart and diabetic diseases.

Fifth Disease

Fifth disease is a very common disease found in the age group of people between 5 and 15 years. Children are more prone to this disease. Children will have a red rash on the face like a slapped cheek which will slowly spread to trunk, legs and hands. This is due to a viral infection and is not much complicated. Children can recover fast. This is caused by the parvovirus B19. It cannot be spread by animals to humans and vice versa.
The signs will start with low grade fever, head ache and cold like symptoms. After 3 or 4 days, the rash appears on the face. Both cheeks will start having the rash and it will slowly spread to all parts of the body. For some, it may be itchy. But most it may have a look like bruises. This will take about 3 to 4 weeks of time to get cure completely. An attack of the fifth disease may lead to swelling in joints, wrist. The parvovirus is contagious during its early stages. When the child develops mild symptoms, it is contagious. A sad note is that when pregnant ladies are infected, it may cause serious effects to the fetus and may even do not survive it. But if the mothers have had earlier infection of this virus, they will remain immune to the virus.
There is no vaccine against this disease. The virus is contagious in its early stages and hence cannot avoid spreading. Practicing good hygiene is the only solution. Try to have hand washes frequently. Have a clean and green atmosphere around you. A shocking statistics reveal that around 60% of the world population is being infected by this virus in their early ages. There is no proper medicine as this itself is not a complicated one.

Symptoms And Treatment of Heart Failure

The basic and foremost symptom is the shortness of breath. This is because of the excessive fluid in the lungs. Fatigue is also another symptom. This happens when the heart pumps at a lower rate, the muscles and other parts of the body are not able to get proper blood supply. This results to lack of oxygen. The symptoms do not build over quickly. Heart tries to cope up with all these issues and adjust for the extreme conditions. But when it is not able to cope up, heart failure occurs.
A doctor can easily identify the risk of heart failures through his stethoscope. This instrument can pick up the abnormal sound beats in the heart. The physician can listen to a patient breathe which may be indicative for the heart failure. If he is not conclusive of this, he may recommend a laboratory test like electrocardiogram which will record the electrical activity of a patient’s heartbeat. Erroneous sound waves will be recorded as images which reveal about the abnormal heart size, shape. In some cases, chest x ray is also taken.
The disease can be diagnosed by identifying the causes. In case of excessive workload which caused heart failure, it can be cured by eating good food and treating for anemia. Any defects in heart value can be surgically corrected. Patients can minimize the risk of heart failure by quitting smoking, excessive drinking and becoming hyper sensitive. A balanced blood pressure level must be maintained. There are various medications available in the long term. Heart attacks may be life threatening at times. In such cases, heart transplantation is the only key. Researchers say that some patients improve their health conditions while waiting for a donor and thus can be successfully removed from the transplant list. Heart is an important organ for the human lives to sustain. Taking care of heart is very important and do not be playful in this issue. Take utmost concern for your health.

Pregnancy Tips

A woman’s life will be fulfilled when she delivers a baby. For most women, first time pregnancy would bring in fears which will overcome the happiness. Worries and pregnancy go hand in hand. But if proper care is taken at the time of pregnancy, one can avoid several problems. A healthy lifestyle is the key for a safe pregnancy. There are more issues concerned for the mothers on various matters such as the health of the baby, position of baby, labor pain, becoming tired often and much more.
Some precautionary measures have to be taken while pregnancy. One should follow a healthy diet and must be brisk. Should do physical activities to certain extent. One should avoid alcohol during pregnancy and quit smoking. Mothers should have a healthy eating habit as they eat for two. On an average they need 300 calories extra per day. Some special vitamins are needed for both mother and child. Vitamin B is very essential. Periodical tests have to be taken to ensure both are safe. Proper measures have to be taken to avoid any ill health effects for the child. Calcium and Iron are more important. Calcium will help the mother to get more strength for her bones as the baby would take minerals from mother’s bone for its development. Iron helps in carrying oxygen.
One should avoid taking improper medications during pregnancy. Women must consult the doctors on what medicine to be taken. For the baby to be healthy, the mother should be healthy. But very few medicines are tested safe for both. Because scientifically most medications are not tested on pregnant women. Drugs tested on animal fetus may not necessarily demonstrate the same on a woman. Doctors advice pregnant women to exercise at least for 20 minutes thrice in a week. But avoid deep knee bends, touching the toes and other exercises which will risk your tummy. Staying in shape will help in the reduction of labor pain. Ladies must take the advantage of present day technology during pregnancy period and stay healthy.

Symptoms of Stroke

Imagine the day where you have decided to be the happiest person in this earth and started preparing for your works. But suddenly you get head ache and your vision gets blurred. Your speech becomes slurred and all of a sudden you lose your vision falling to the ground. You wanted to make a yell of noise calling out for help but unable to do that!! Yes. You have been attacked by stroke.
A stroke occurs when the brain cells are dead. When any brain cell does not receive blood and proper nutrients for more than 4 minutes, it may die resulting in the stroke. Brain deaths are so harmful and may even take lives. So one has to be very careful in preventing strokes. Brain cells need blood from which they intake oxygen and the respective nutrients. When there is any blockage in any of these cells, it results in poor circulation of oxygen leading to a stroke. In such cases, blood circulation has to be restored quickly. Ischemic stroke occurs due to the blockage in any of the blood vessels. Hemorrhagic Stroke occurs when the blood cells burst resulting in the death of brain cells. This occurs due to high blood pressure. Some of the symptoms of developing stroke are:
Head ache
Blurred vision
Slurred speech
Loss of balance and falling to ground
The impacts may have a short term and long lasting effects. And it heavily depends on which part of the brain is being affected and the speed with which other brain cells may substitute the work. The common and severe impact is the result of paralysis. Some may result in the problem of cognitive thinking. If the front part of brain is affected, persons will give extreme reactions and succumbed to emotional impacts. It may be hereditary for some to encounter with stroke. But normally lifestyle plays a vital role. Persons with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease must be careful and do regular exercises to keep their body health.

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