mens health

Best Time To Take Creatine

Few years ago, athletes recommended that creatine should be taken before exercise. Those who supported this approach realized that using of creatine before exercise boosts up the energy to max level. Another problem that occurs by taking creatine before exercise is that it shifts body fluids. Monohydrate. Powder of creatine draws fluid from other components of our body muscles.
Although this process is nothing more than the cellular manifestation of body muscles but it does cause dehydration. This is critical if you do workout intensely in hot and humid environments. Lastly, high glycemic sugars, such included in creatine products, could cause a certain drop in energy level. This is obviously productive to your trainings needs.
Therefore there are many possible reasons why not to take creatine before workout or exercise.
There are many advantages of taking creatine after your workout because after workout our muscles are so sensitive and in need of insulin-mediated uptake or creatine. For this reason we can take benefit of this situation by taking healthy amount of creatine along with carbohydrates and protein, this combination of nutrients helps in by releasing a good amount of anabolic hormones, and also produces hormones in our body.
Therefore, taking creatine along with carbohydrates and proteins shakes should enhance our body strength and boost muscle growth rapidly.
According to my experience and practical guide for creatine use, I strongly recommend that creatine should be taken after workout, which increases creatine absorption and enhances muscles growth more effectively.
And the most important thing is that I m not talking about some specific creatine products. I m talking about all the creatine! Whether it is in powder form or any other form. Either it is used by athletes or bodybuilders. All types of creatine should be taken after workout or exercise because you can gain more and more weight in less time and honestly speaking you will see sparkling results in your body.
Among all the supplements, creatine is considered as the most effective and healthy supplement for the body because it neither has any side effects nor causes any damage to your muscles. And most the experienced trainers highly recommend creatine because it serves as a complete and effective diet after work out. Most people think that Creatine is type of steroid, but it is not true.
But it is consider better to use the natural foods as a diet and not to use any sort of supplements because the only food that is trust worthy is produced by Nature. And it also has pure proteins and nutrition’s. And if any one wants to have a healthy body and strong muscles he/she should use natural products. Because is full of proteins and if someone wants to build muscles and body he/she cant afford to ignore proteins.

Saying No To Smoking

Every cigar packet will have statutory warning as “Smoking is injurious to health”, but still people smoke. Some may start smoking at a very early stage in their life. Once when started as a social habit, it has now become an addiction for many. I have heard many people wanting to stop smoking but cannot do to so because they are addicted to it. Smoking is a very bad habit which may even take your life out. Learning the reasons why you smoke may help you quitting. People give various reasons for smoking. Some of them are:
  • Smoking gives more energy
  • Addicted to smoking
  • It gives relaxation and gives pleasure
When you fall under any of these categories, it can be made easy to find out solutions and help you in quitting from smoking.
If you say that you smoke to get more energy, then find out if you can derive that energy from any other substance. Am sure by taking rest, one can have more energy. Being brisk and more physical activity will engage in more work. Eating nutritious food and drinking lots of water will help you to get energy.
If you say you are addicted, it can be difficult to come out of that habit. Try smoking too many cigars before a day or two when you have decided to quit. This may kill the taste of cigars and you may dislike. The first attempt could not be successful. But the second or the third try will be successful. Think yourself as a non smoker.
If you say you get pleasure, try to enjoy the taste of tobacco separately. You will develop a strong dislike for its taste. Now the pleasure would not mind you. Start concentrating on things which will give you pleasure like reading books, sleeping. Relaxation can be obtained from having a nice time with family and friends.
What ever may be the reason to smoke, yet one can quit the habit of smoking and extend his life time. One must have a strong will to overcome this habit. Mental strength is much needed and am sure love and affection can change the habits in a person.

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